Sea shipping from Lotus Factory Northern Italy to Wellington via sea Indicative Rates as at August 2022 15 - 40 kilos = $800 eg. Logo press / cap range 41 - 74 kilos = $1400 eg. LTS 138 Slide Press 75 - 100 kilos = $2300 eg. LTS 500 / 100 kilos on a pallet 101 - 200 kilos = $2800 eg. LTS 750 PA / 175 kilos on a pallet
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Renting heat presses details - 1000 plus gst : Minimum rental amount $700 -divide by per month amount Delivery & return minimum $200 , set up in rents, system $100.
This $1000 plus gst can be deducted from purchase price of this press. This is the maximum amount that can be deducted from purchase of this price of this press or any other newer or bigger press.
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Renting heat presses details 100% prepaid :- $1000 plus gst all models :$300 = delivery & return and setting up in our rental system $700 = rental , so if your press’s rental is $$150 a month the $700 prepays then rental for 4 & 1/2 months .The above $ 1000 plus gst can be deducted from the purchase price of a press . In respect of rental paid this prepaid $1000 is maximum amount that can be deducted from purchase of a new , secondhand or bigger press . The purpose of this maximum rental deduction is to allow you to test a press before committing to moving from renting to purchase without losing the value of the prepayment $1000 plus gst . No rent beyond the rent portion in the $1000 prepayment amount can be deducted from the purchase price if a press . Rental presses are not available for purchase .